Tiny girl. Poorly sick. Meningitis? Leukaemia. Chemotherapy. Angel curls falling like question marks on the pillow.
Weak. Stronger. Weaker. Strong again. It’s worse. Shingles. Kidney stones.
It’s winter.
Nurses dressed as Ghosties from Scooby Doo entertaining bed bound child.
Nurses nursing a mother’s splintering heart.
Nurses holding a weeping father’s hand.
Nurses playing Barbies with big sisters and keeping life going.
Handsome boy Doctor flirting with small, brave, bald girl who flutters lashless eyes and giggles.
It’s spring.
Worse and worse. Better and better. Home. Hospital sleepover only. Chemo continues.
Stubble appears.
Roid Rage in nursery. Playing outside. A cold. No problem.
Angel curls unfurl again and signal the growing of hope.
Summer's coming.
This beautiful girl is my niece the day after she was diagnosed

Bald but beautiful still
Our lovely girl is heading towards well.
In the worst times, she showed us the way to go. She is brave, resilient and out of her head on drugs in the video clip.
We know we are blessed and we miss those who weren't. This posting is in memory of our girl's friend Iona. She's often in our thoughts.
Trying to figure out what to do with your excess Lottery win or even that spare fiver? Leukaemia Research Fund, Edinburgh Sick Kids Hospital, Winston's Wish
Oh Lesley, how beautiful, beautiful this piece is. You have caught everything here. I am so relieved she's on her way to well, she's a lovely girl.
She is beautiful and what a joy to know she's recovering.
Heartbreaking! So glad that she is recovering!
what a little gem she is... and how lucky you are to have her....
I thank you for sharing this beautiful piece. I found it very moving. I hope your lovely girl has continued good health.
Beautifully written and detailed. The child is wonderfully gorgeous and I wish for her a long and healthy life. Thanks for sharing this story!
A beautiful child. Glad she is recuping.
I send my good vibes for the brave sweet girl.
What a joy after such heartbreak. Beautiful post. Beautiful girl.
What a beautiful piece. At age four I lost my very best friend to leukemia, and many years later I lost my beloved mother-in-law to the same disease, I'm so very glad that your family has been one of the lucky ones. Give your strong, beautiful niece a big snuggle from me.
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